a start for a young forest & heading west
the beginning of nut forest in the rural hills of east central Indiana. Shagbark hickory, black walnut, and a small grove of pecans. Cortney Hughes of Funcie, IN & Corey W H Berg of Gary helped inject the seedlings into the soil near the flatrock river in rush county. This 7 acre plot is home to the in-progress stone hut, a natural spring, and presumably a young nut forest. if all carries well, the hut will materialize, the trees will grow (more to be planted annually), and a roadkill burial mound could be established.
From Indiana, Corey H Berg and I will head west toward Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada. Corey will fly out of Vegas on the 10th of June and I will carry over to the cell tower trees, the tarpit, and the MJT of Los Angles.